Below are the products in form of hardware devices offered by Square. The products offered by Square are enlisted first and services later.

We shall now see each of them in detail below. There are numerous solutions offered by Square. You may like to read – Uber business model Products and Services Offered by Square The money will be transferred to receipt in one or two days. Compose body message and then just press send button. Here one more point to keep in mind that the subject line should be the amount (in this example, it should be $25). One wish to gift $25 to someone, then one has to compose a mail to that person and has to type the e-mail address to the “CC” field. Money can be sent through the mail also, this process is also pretty simple. You may also like Know Spotify Business Model - Insights into How does Spotify Work and Make Money With a click of the picture, the item or service is charged. Just tell the salesperson his/her name and they will see the picture on their screen. When it’s time to pay for the product or service, the buyer doesn’t even need to take out the phone. That’s called “checking in” to the store. When a buyer enters a store, he/she click on the store’s name in the Square Wallet app. Using a smartphone’s built-in GPS, the Square Wallet app provides the buyer to browse or search for local stores that accept Square Wallet payments. After downloading the Square Wallet, the person is asked to enter his/her credit card information and upload a photo of him/her self. It provides paying service with smartphones and emailing money. So, how does Square work for buyers? Square is much more than just a mobile cash register.

You may like to read – eBay Business Model How does Square Work for Buyers? The hardware is nothing but a magnetic stripe reader which acts like a Credit card or debit card swiping machine. Square offers various solutions of accepting payment in form of a Hardware attachment plugged in tablet or phone of the merchant and the customer can pay the merchant by swiping their card on a hardware device and signing on the connected phone or tablet. With the use of Square vendors can turn their smartphones into a fully functioning cash register that accepts payments by credit or debit card and deposits the fund directly to their bank account. With the Square, even small business can accept the payments with the credit or debit cards. According to Gartner- The research firm, more than 200 people worldwide made payments with their smartphones in 2012, and this number has been drastically increased in the last few years. You must be wondering: How does Square work? Let’s find out.